and Waste

Biodiversity and Waste

Loss of natural capital is a global problem due to the wide-ranging impacts that it creates for society because of the broader biodiversity loss.

We want to protect and enhance the environment and therefore, on our sites, through our site management plans we help facilitate nature-based solutions to boost biodiversity, whilst also ensuring waste and materials are minimised wherever possible.

Our Current Position

We have sought to achieve the minimum 10% biodiversity net gain in recent developments prior to the proposed change in legislation. However, we will strive to go above and beyond this with a recent example development on track to achieve a 25% biodiversity net gain.

We are zero waste to landfill across the sites we own. Waste data collected from our joint ventures highlights that we currently recycle 27% of waste collected annually with 73% of this waste being processed to create refuse derived fuel which is a renewable energy source.

We have successfully reduced the waste that is produced on site and diverted materials from landfill during construction, with over 99% of total construction waste diverted from landfill achieved at our most recent project.

By implementing green clauses in our landscaping contracts, we are capturing and monitoring various metrics relating to the waste collected from our sites, actively engaging with our contractors to reduce and reuse waste where possible reducing the sites carbon footprint.

Our Future Commitments

To maximise the biodiversity of all new developments.

Improve the biodiversity of existing sites with individualised action plans.

To maximise the operational recycling rate across the sites we manage and look to reduce our total waste footprint.

To monitor and minimise the waste produced and recycled during the construction of new developments.

Explore other themes at the core of our delivering ethically approach.

Toward Zero Carbon

Healthy Spaces

Improving Communities

Operating Responsibly